NEPTUNE ENERGY: Dissolves Boundaries, Removes Filters, Obscures,
Disorients, Dissipates, Sensitizes, Sublimates, Refines, Rarefies,
Romanticizes, Diffuses, Baffles, Befuddles, Confuses, Deceives,
Disintegrates, Evades, Mystifies, Transcends, Undermines, Beguiles,
Bemuses, Bewilders, Muddles, Enthralls, Entrances, Glamorizes,
Delights, Haunts, Fascinates, Whispers, Murmers, Drifts, Blurs,
Fades, Recedes, Withdraws, Weakens, Dilutes, Permeates, Pervades,
Erodes, Floods, Leaks, Drowns, Merges, Communes
NEPTUNIAN STYLE: Nebulous, Beauty-Smitten, Mysterious, Disordered,
Indirect, Elusive, Escapist, Lost, Frail, Enigmatic, Exceedingly
Graceful, Unreal, Gossamer-like, Other-Worldly, Evanescent,
Gullible, Addled, Hyper-Sensitive, Vulnerable, Fragile, Fine,
Delicate, Incredibly Imaginative, Impractical, Feeble, Impressionistic,
Fuzzy, Misty, Hazy, Magical, Mediumistic, Subliminal, Somatic,
Oceanic, Out-of-it, Passive, Diffident, Self-effacing, Psychic,
Fey, Quixotic, Highly Receptive, Spacey, Vague, Shapeless, Shifty,
Liquid, Fluid, Dreamy, Diffident, Docile, Amenable, Humble,
Beatific, Angelic, Inchoate, Slippery, Roundabout, Misunderstood,
Self-Sabotaging, Altruistic, Aquatic, Nautical, Fishy, Indefinite,
Ambiguous, Ambivalent, Musical, Poetic, Metaphorical, Feathery,
Exquisite, Elfin, Chameleon, Psychedelic, Narcotic, Subversive,
Behind-the-Scenes, Faraway, Cryptic, Cant get a fix on,
Stream-of-Consciousness, Ethereal
CONCEPTS: Compassion, Oneness, Unity, Sympathetic Vibration,
Resonance, Kindness, Unconditional Love, Make-believe, Fantasy,
Sanctuary, Utopia, Holism, Addiction, Sacrifice, Pathos, Illusion,
Delusion, Ecstasy, Bliss, Enchantment, Serenity, Mysticism,
Idealism, Osmosis, Seclusion, Heaven, Nirvana, Devotion, Worship,
Reverence, That Soul-Mate Feeling
NEPTUNIAN THINGS: Music (esp. violins), Mythology, Altered States,
Chemistry, Trances, Spirits (of both the ghostly & the alcoholic
variety), Drugs, Pharmaceuticals, Allergies, Multiple Chemical
Sensitivity Syndrome, Victims & Martyrs, The Siren Song,
Divine Discontent, Meditation, Enlightenment, Soma, Ambrosia,
Chimeras, Veils, Screens, Dreams, The Supernatural, Telepathy,
Clairvoyance, Mermaids, Leprechauns, Out-of-Body Experiences,
Holographs, Yearning, Fog, Mirage, Apparitions, Advertising,
Oil & Gas, Misinformation, Dyslexia, Rose-Colored Glasses,
Con Artists, Communism, Socialism, Counterfeiting, Propoganda,
Fraud, Rumour, Slander, Filmmaking & Photography, EINSTEIN
- Relativity & Quantum Physics, Webs, Fishnets, Networks
NEPTUNE SNEAKS UP ON YOU: Get thee to the sea... Dream...Surrender...
Get swept away...Serve a higher calling...Put yourself in others
shoes...Go with the flow... Your doctor may not know this, but
normal dosages of prescriptions are way too strong for you...Follow
the path of least resistance...Choose your mind-altering substances
very carefully - youre so easily hooked...And better stay
away from all kinds of cults, while youre at it. In fact,
find yourself a nice Solar or Saturn type who can help guide
you back to earth. But then again, if anyone has no use for
the ways of this world, its you...Try not to wander about
at night all by yourself - youre just the kind the Fairies
like to abduct.
PARTS: Neurochemicals / Feet